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Music & Audio Technology

[Media Art, Web Audio API] Space Full of Music

link: https://soohyun123.github.io/ctp431/hw2/hw2.html

code: https://github.com/soohyun123/soohyun123.github.io/blob/master/ctp431/hw2/sketch.js


▲  Demo video


There are three modes: Space, Daytime, and Night mode.

1) Click the Earth. 2) Click the Sun. 3) Click the Moon or the Space Ship. Now You Know How It Works.


This project uses the time-varying amplitude and spectrum of music as mediums for visual art.


▶ A bar graph of amplitude samples over time depict an urban skyline.  

▶ Time-varying spectrum lines depict sunbeams, moonbeams, and the sun's corona.

▶ The moon in the space mode travels around the earth while beating according to the beat (low-frequency amplitude) of the song.