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Music & Audio Technology

[Media Art, Web Audio API] The Music of Gravitational Field

link: https://soohyun123.github.io/ctp431/final/final.html

code: https://github.com/soohyun123/soohyun123.github.io/blob/master/ctp431/final/sketch.js


▲  Demo video


Beyond the rules of music according to human taste and intention, how will the notes sound when they are played while interacting with each other according to the laws of physics?


There are two modes: Guitar and Oscillator mode, in which a particle system moving through gravitational interaction plays the guitar and chaos pad.


1. You can create new particles by clicking the mouse on the black screen.
2. If you drag the mouse in that state, you can set the initial velocity.
3. When the mouse is released, the particles begin moving and interacting with others.


▶ The sound volume of each particle changes proportional to its momentum.

▶ The stereo panning of each particle changes according to its right or left position.


The acoustic guitar samples are played, recorded and processed by me.